Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Marketplace Vendor Configuration

Vendor Processing Properties

Property Description


All Broadleaf framework components related to vendor processing (including security, narrowing, sandbox propagation, etc) are gated on this property. If true, vendor processing will be active - otherwise it will be disabled.

Marketplace Application Catalog Auto Reindex

Property Description

Whether or not marketplace catalog change events should be published to trigger reindexing of the marketplace application catalog’s products. By default, this is set to false and the automatic reindex process is disabled, since this functionality should be used with awareness of potential performance impacts. Before enabling this flow, consider that the process of reindexing is resource intensive, especially for non-trivial sized catalogs (>100 products). If set to true, a MarketplaceApplicationCatalogChangedEvent is sent via Spring publisher on creation, deletion, or update of a MarketplaceApplicationCatalog.

Whether or not the products for marketplace application catalogs should be reindexed when a marketplace catalog is assigned to the application. By default, this is set to false. If enabled, the products for the catalog on this event will be built into a BatchIndexRequest to be reindexed.

Whether or not the products for marketplace application catalogs should be reindexed when a marketplace catalog is removed from the application. By default, this is set to false. If enabled, the products for the catalog on this event will be built into a BatchIndexRequest to be reindexed.

Whether or not the products for marketplace application catalogs should be reindexed when a marketplace catalog is changed (e.g. the catalog status is updated to ONLINE). By default, this is set to false. If enabled, the products for the catalog on this event will be built into a BatchIndexRequest to be reindexed. If the catalog status is updated to ONLINE, the association of the marketplace application to its products will be added to the index. If the catalog status is updated to PENDING or OFFLINE, the association of the marketplace application to its products will be removed from the index.