Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Evaluation Credentials

Evaluation Credentials vs Enterprise License Credentials

If you’ve signed up for a free developer evaluation trial (, you should receive an email with getting started instructions that include a username, password, and an expiration date.

You should be aware that there are slightly different "Getting Started" steps that are only applicable to Evaluation Credentials. As you are following any of the getting started guides on this portal, make sure to pay attention to any instructions that callout different steps needed for "Evaluation Credential Holders".

How do I know if I have evaluation credentials?

You have evaluation credentials if:

Differentiated Setup Steps

One of the main differences between Evaluation Credentials and Enterprise License Credentials is that "Evaluation Credential Holders" will only have access to artifacts that reside on Broadleaf’s Evaluation Mirror Repository:

Enterprise License Holders will have access to the full suite of Broadleaf resources (depending on their license) on Broadleaf’s primary repository:

Below you will find the list of differentiated steps that you should be aware of when getting started locally.

Docker Registry Authentication

To authenticate with the correct Broadleaf docker registry, run the following based on your credentials:

For Enterprise License Holders:

docker login

For Evaluation Credential Holders:

docker login

Maven Repository Authentication

To build a Broadleaf Initalizr-based project, you will need to have configured authentication to Broadleaf’s private Maven Nexus. The correct ~/.m2/settings.xml configuration depends on the type of credentials you were provisioned.

For Enterprise License Holders:

<settings xsi:schemaLocation=""
          xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">

For Evaluation Credential Holders:

You will need to set up a mirror configuration to the broadleaf-microservices server id.

<settings xsi:schemaLocation=""
          xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">

Generating correct docker-compose.yml file

When using Broadleaf’s Maven docker-compose:generate plugin, you will need to specify a mirror param so that the generated demo docker images point to the correct docker registry based on the type of credentials you have:

For Enterprise License Holders:

cd manifest
./mvnw docker-compose:generate
./mvnw docker-compose:up

For Evaluation Credential Holders:

cd manifest
./mvnw docker-compose:generate
./mvnw docker-compose:up

Converting from Evaluation to Enterprise License Credentials

If you were given full Enterprise License Credentials and were previously using Evaluation Credentials, then you will want to make sure you correct your local environment setup to no longer use the evaluation mirror.

Authenticate to Correct Docker Registry

docker logout
docker login

Authenticate to Correct Maven Repository

Make sure to change your ~/.m2/settings.xml credentials to remove the evaluation mirror. Your settings.xml file should now look something like this:

<settings xsi:schemaLocation=""
          xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">